The rules for the Ruby Tuesday meme are: It must have red somewhere in it and be one you took yourself. Now Mary over at "
The Work of the Poet" is the sponsor of the Meme. She has the Linky on her site, from there you can visit and/or join in the fun. I will tell you that this is a worldwide meme, you will go places you have never been and see very interesting things.
While at the Festival in Washington DC, we visited the Tulip display. Here are some photos.

This is just amazing, I love the color in the petals.
You can click on this one for that up close view.

Now these have a unique petal shape.
Click on the photo to see the petal closer.
I like the color striation from the deep rose red to the lighter pink.

The final tulip I chose is a Pink one, Okay that's a watered down red, right?
I have never seen one like this, the petal look as though the were shredded.
But No theywere not.

Now how can I have you leave without showing some National Cherry Blossom Icons. Every year we go to the Parade.
Let's give a hand to Mr Beaver....
He is doing a good job maintaining those cherry trees.
Take that up close personal look by clicking on Mr Beaver.

Look very close at this one (enlarge it),
for you will see how those flowers grow.
As well as some rubies.