The weather has been gorgeous , so the birds have been visiting a lot. While working on the computer the other day I saw a big black bird checking out this bird hotel. Laughing it him cause I think he must be desperate if he thinks he can check in here.
You see every year I lease this Hotel to the sparrows. They stay all spring and summer.

The Sparrows must have been close by because shortly after the black bird left two came by. Landing on the hotel and started to work.They never left the hotel vacant, always about three around. However one guard was posted on the hotel at all times.

Then not too long afterward came the expecting Mother.
Does she look ready or what?
Of course a guard is still post.

If you have time visit my daughters new blog, she is trying to enter the bloggersworld. She has a great Ruby Tuesday post.
Ramblings From Lyd, leave a comment and follow her.
See more rubies at
Work of the Poet