The cold temp and no snow on the ground. Everything is brown and the wind has a bite to it. How depressing is this.....
I think we will try to have a fire in the next couple day and roast Marshmallows, to make Smores. I least that will be a little comforting for me. Comfort food always pick me up. So Off to the Store for some Graham Crackers for the Smores. I can Just Taste them now. How the Weather in your Town? Any signs of winter there?
**Photo of last years winter-of course this was taken in the month of February. So I think there is still hope here.
Our weather (after that great big blizzard) has been chilly and this weekend they forecast snow but just a little fell. Today has been overcast as if snow is coming but they've said nothing so far. Oh for the Sun and fun of Summer!