Our weather has that holiday feeling, Cold and Crisp. We visited Williamsburg Virginia yesterday and the wind had the chill. I felt like a great cup of hot cocoa our a cup of warmed Holiday Gluwine was in store. The shopping was great we walked around the Colonial Merchant market. I love the feeling and sites of the colonial town. The singers were out and the stores sent our minds back to the past.
Arriving back at home it was in the low 30's. Oh yes it begining to feel like the Holidays are approaching. Today we will start decorating the yard. Light on the gazebo and making a Charles Dickers Christmas Carol setting. I will be great to set by a fire and in a Victorian setting.
We do have different areas that can be decorated in styles. Visiting the Christmas town at Busch Gardens made me in the mood for this years decorating. That place was wonderful. We will surely need to revisit soon.
Now the weather is getting more and more winter like and I am ready to make our Christmas village in our side in the yard.