Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Ghostly Tale......

So Here we are at Halloween,
a time for scary stuff and ....
stories to frighten the bad out of ya.....
So....Here I go on the path of causing a scare in ya.
First stop....
the tombstone
Next stop.....
Hope he doesn't come alive!...
Those beady red eyes would scary the bad out of me...

Now let's see...
Oh yeah.....this...

Now they had their dinner....

Next group in line....
the night wind is coming.....
Happy Halloween...
Stay safe tonight......

Monday, October 25, 2010

Maizes of Life?

For More Blue Monday visit Smiling Sally. For more Ruby Tuesday visit Work of the Poet

While at the Maize Quest we found many Maizes. Some like the corn maize were difficult and some just plain fun. Here are a few of the Blues and Rubies of the Trip to Maize Quest in Pennsylvania.

(all photos can be enlarged for better viewing)

So many to choose from....

First up....

Stay focus on the challenge.....

An easy One??????

maybe not as it might seem.

the Rope Quest.
Let make it to the Pirates flag!
Now what's that over over?????

It's the Island Quest.
Walk the planks...
Stay on the rock islands...
There's water all around...
See if you can make it to the start again
With out falling in the water......

We had a lot of fun at the Maze quest.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Ruby Tuesday with some Blue Notes

I am really surprised at how much Blue and Red I see. Sometimes I just take a photo not thinking about a post and find all the hidden and screaming "I'm here" blues and reds. so I thought that I would Add some Blue notes to this Ruby Tuesday post. Here are some finds from throughout our summer travels.All from our NSL vacation trip 2010. (all photos can be clicked for a closer view)

From Florida-whales

Disney Village FloridaSeaWorld-Florida DancersVirginia Beach BoardwalkLast one of the part of the trip....
Daughter with yeah...
Mr Easter Bunny next week I will highlight the second part of NSL vacation 2010

For more Ruby Tuesday visit Work of the Poet

Hey a new Link system for me. If you have a Monday or Tuesday post, Link up so we all can visit you.

1. Lillianna - Sweden  5. Manang Kim,USA  9. Ralph  
2. Valerie  6. Kim ,USA  10. mizhelle  
3. Liz (mcn)  7. Maria @ LSS  11. sharon  
4. Liz (yacb)  8. Livsnjutaren  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ruby Tuesday- Corn maze time.

What fun going to a corn maze. We did just that over the summer.

First we arrived...

then we made it to the entrance of the maze.
Oh we had to pick out a flag...

Now look at the map....
Oh you want to know why we needed the flag......
It so the man in the tall lookout can find us.....
Just in case we get lost....

Now we did find a cool area....
And we made it out.....AT LEAST ONE OF OF DID!
For more Rubies visit Work of the Poet

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sky Watch-The North-Eastern skies

While on our NSL2010(Northern Sun Loop) Vacation I took several sky views. Here are just a few for today. You can Enlarge all the photos for a much closer view.

The Sky of Upstate New York. I love this shot right about dusk and the moon is making a show. The clouds seem to be exploding for the last time before the end of the day.

Looking out from the Tower at Tom Ridge Environmental Center at the entrance to Presque Island one can see the Canada sky. The only Wind power turbine against the sky of Canada. We were headed there.

The sky over Erie Pennsylvania. We are looking from Presque island. I really love this view. One can see the whole Erie skyline.

To see more skies from around the world visit Sky Watch and link up your own sky photo.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Weekend Blues and Rubies

Oh not the Blues you are thinking of....These are some Blue things I eyed over my weekend, with all the Rubies hidden within. (Can enlarge all photos with a click)

Oktoberfest Adventures.
the fairs...
The rubies a flowing all around.

the Food
Now that ruby is a new brew.

The Dance
Those hidden Rubies will make your day...
and keep someone away.
Can you spy them?

Family together.
the Blue hair...
see the red apple pot
Critter pretending to Teaching
The only ruby country with a name?

A Blue Hero...
A ruby superhero...
Who is that girl?

Playtime--The Blue's with ...
a ruby peeking out behind the curtain

The Playground
Swinging the Blues with
Rubies all around...

For more Blues visit- Smiling Sally
For more Rubies visit Work of the Poet

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Making The Right Replacement Decision

We are working on the side garden plot. There was a Red Bud tree in that plot. It blocked our vision while backing out our driveway . So It was time to have it removed. Needed to replace the spot with something else. Chose an Otto Luyken to fit in the spot. Went to the Nursery and spoke with an adviser. There were three realistic choices.

In the plot we already have Boxwood's and Azaleas. So we could go with either. Now boxwood's and azaleas are slow growing. The ones there are already at 4 feet high. Our Red Bud was a very large plant. Therefore it took up a large area.

Going to the nursery help us with the selection. Sometimes my knowledge can blind my mind. For you see I saw a Colorado Blue Spruce bush, which I have always loved. Thought I would buy that one. However thinking I should go to the Nursery to check on price and size. Once there we told the adviser what we needed to do and he took us around to view various plants. Giving us info on the plants. that helped us with the decision. It was a great experience. I decided against the Blue Spruce bush, it just wouldn't fit in with the existing plants.

The Otto Luyken is a fast growing plant, about 1 foot per year. It is mostly used for a hedge and has the same flowering season as the azaleas. Its leaves are evergreen and dark in color like the boxwoods. The leave shape is different, which I like. For it gives some contrast to the garden plot. Easy to maintain, just like the others ones. Most of all, it will fit in with the decor of the garden plot. Will not loose its leaves in the winter, as with all the other ones. Finally the flowering color will go nicely with the azaleas. Will just have to wait until spring to see them all flower together. Like the fact is has a second season of bloom. In the Late summer into the Fall it has these Red that turn into dark olive like berries (Seen in the photo above). This give more character to the garden in the fall. I will be planting some mums in the lower area. That will blend in nicely. We also have a Maple tree that changes color in the fall. It will all look great in the fall season. I am happy the the choice we made.

The Landscaper ,who is doing the work, will plant it in place of the Red Bud. I will be showing some photos later as the project is underway now. With the Storms we have had some down days. It should be done soon.

Genes name:Prunus Laurocerasus
Common name: Otto Luyken
Spring view.

Icon Photo is the Later summer/ fall view of Otto Luyken.