It has been a few years since our last Hurricane in this area. It was Isabelle, we were out of electricity for 7 days and it was a mess. Since then we have acquired some new things in the yard. Today we are looking at ways to Secure them and Protect our home. Earl is a Category 4 at this time. Expected to gain more speed before land fall. We could get some heavy winds here. As to Water.. the only waterway close by would not affect our home area. this is a very seldom thing for us. we have protected our house since Isabelle by adding windows and siding that can withstand the high winds. So now it is preparing the furniture and Gazebos to withstand the Tropical force winds. I have been following Earls path through
StormPlus Hubby thinks at will be close to us. I do not see that. we have a cold front coming our way which seems likely to push it out to sea. However I will prepare for tropical force winds and blowing rains. We will see how this goes. I will update on this site about Earl the Hurricane.

Cleaned the pool out and changed the filter. Our temps have been in the upper 90's so the water is still warm. I hope to continue to swim through the next few weeks. We have a solar heater which I will be hooking up to extend the pool time into October. this will be the first year I try this method. With the high heats we have had a great Summer pool season.
Above icon photo courstey of NOAA .To get hourly updates click on blue NOAA for link.
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