Taking a little break from the Yard and Garden this time. Wanting to share some fun times from my "Go West My Friend" trip
While we were in Williams Arizona we stop to get some gas. I was in the car and looked up to see this girl cleaning our window.

At first I thought, "Oh no we must be at a the full service pump". Now hubby was filling the car with gas. I got out of the car and asked if I could take her picture. Both of them started to laugh. You see Hubby had said to her" You better be careful my wife will be wanted to take your picture for her blog and then she will blog about you". Boy did he have me pegged.
Her name was Sarah and she works at the station. They will pump your gas, check your oil and wash all your windows. It is the only gas station on Route 66 in Williams that still gives you this kind of happy full service.
I went into the stations store and this is what I found.

A license I was sure I would need in order to make it though the rest of route 66 .
Oh they had every state one would go through and some that for military intelligence reasons would be handy to have. The Price was right, inflation had not caught up our UFO friends yet, only 1.75 per license. We all purchased a license-Okay several of them, one for each state we thought would be handy to have just in case; Virginia, Maryland, Arizona, New Mexico and the Route 66.
I was set now. U.F.O License in hand and headed to Area 51. Oh no! that's another story... I can not tell. Top Secret you know.
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