I thought I would post a video and some pictures.
The photo to the left above can be click on for a closer look. it is Dad's reflection in the pond. He is looking at the fish, I took this and then turned it around so one could see dad's reflection.
This is the Frog fountain I bought for their Pond some years ago.
He had many fish in the pond.
These are the ones still there.
Mostly Coy fish now.
These are the ones still there.
Mostly Coy fish now.

I remember years ago he had some Coy's. One year they all disappeared. We thought a cat got them. Because, the Neighbor stated a wild Cat was attacking his.Dad wanted to check this our before getting any more. I was out looking at the Pond and swore I saw a dark one swimming in there. Mom and dad were sceptically due to the fact they had not been feeding any for a long time and dad never had any dark ones. Well that got my daughter searching for it. Low and Behold there was one. It was not one that Dad had put in the pond. Our guess was that the coy fish had babies and this one survived! It was a Black Coy we called it Shadow, because it really did look like a shadow in the pond. Shadow grew to have some color on him, making him look gold. Shadow died last year, he was always a favorite of the family's.
Here is a video of the sounds and views of Dad's Coy pond.