Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Friday; let get ready.....

It's Friday, a sunny day today and warming up. Heard we are suppose to have a winter storm this Sunday. You know how it is, great weather before the storm . Now is the time to do some outside work. The pool top needs to be drained, the water/ice in the fountain needs to be removed. Decks and patio due for their brushing and the gardens raked. The pellet stove pipe will need to be cleaned out. Oh yes I do make these a must in between the storms. I feel is makes it easier when the spring comes. I can enjoy the season better. All the animals have been digging for their stashes. So, I need to straighten up a bit. How is the weather in your neck of the woods? Nice enough to grab some sun?


  1. We still have snow on the ground, though much has melted. It's the dirty look right now. Hubby put away some outdoor chairs today; that had been overlooked previously.


  2. Auntie E, It's been warm here too. But today is overcast and it's supposed to rain all day! Thanks for your comments on my blog - I'm fine now and back to blogging full-time! :)


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